Sex Expo Wraps Up In Guangzhou, China.
A man peers through a traditional sex totem sculpture on the last day of the 7th annual Sexual Culture Festival, Guangzhou, China, 02 November 2009. Attitudes towards sex and the sexual issues in China are gradually becoming less conservative and more liberal. According to a survey by the Guangdong Sexology Association, released to coincide with the show, of 3,093 migrant workers polled in October in Guangzhou and Dongguan on a number of sexual issues, more than two thirds of unmarried migrant workers reported having sexual experiences. The survey said that many young migrant workers who migrated from rural areas, where sex education is almost non-existent, usually experience a culture shock when they arrive for the first time in the bustling and liberal manufacturing cities of southern China. Often they follow in their friends’ footsteps by adopting a more liberal attitude toward sex, leaving them open and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. EPA / ALEX HOFFORD